Let’s be honest, the impending life change after having a baby rakes the minds of parents once the day gets closer. They wonder whether they will still be able to be themselves. This wondering question stays in the back of their mind from the moment they find out they’re expecting until they have the baby. Some of the questions explored along with this area include: Will I still enjoy the same sports with my friends? Will my friends abandon me when I start a family? Will my ability to ...read more
Stress Management for Children: How Parents can Help
Stress and anxiety are some of the most common mental illnesses suffered by numerous people around the world, adults and children alike. While adults are able to understand their conflict, children are not. They don’t have enough emotional intelligence yet to describe what they are feeling and why. This increases the confusion further in their innocent minds, and dealing with stress becomes harder. They are unable to verbalize their feelings, which are then internalized and trigger anxiety ...read more
Sand-Play Therapy: A Non-Verbal Intervention Technique
When you hear the word sandplay, the image of children messing about in sand and getting dirty comes to mind. Although this is true, sandplay has now been developed into a successful type of non-verbal intervention therapy. Although in the beginning it seems juvenile, but this innovative therapy has proven successful for tapping into the subconscious brain and provide a deeper insight to the client’s behavior. What is Sandplay Therapy Clients usually afflicted with some sort of trauma or ...read more
Breaking through the 7 Most Common Myths about Child Depression
“I didn’t know” is a common statement used by parents when it comes to dealing with mental health problems associated with children. Despite many awareness campaigns in recent years, mental health problems are prevailing stigmas in society. The reason being that mental health issues and resulting psychological disorders are difficult to detect and understand; even more so when it comes to children. Children are generally considered to be free of worries, happy-go-lucky, with no ...read more
3 Incredible Ways Play Therapy Can Benefit your Child
Most children are naturally inclined towards play time and similar activities. Play therapy uses that innate need in a powerfully creative way to engage with your child. In this special branch of therapy, your child wouldn’t necessarily have to verbalize what is bothering them. A play therapist is able to work therapeutically as they engage in literal or metaphorical play. This type of therapy is perfectly suited to kids because it helps them re-evaluate their experiences with deep ...read more